
Andreas Zingerle (photo by Vanessa Riki, 2024)



Mag. Andreas Zingerle, PhD.

2022 Andreas received together with Linda Kronman as KAIRUS Collective the “Outstanding Artist Award” 2022 in the category Mediaart. (Blog post)

2017/2018 he held a Research Assistant Professor Position at the Sol International School’s Department of Global Media Arts, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. He was the Co-PI in the Global Research Network grant “The Internet of other people`s things” (누군가의 사물 인터넷) funded by the Korean National Research Foundation (NRF – 2017S1A2A2041837).

In 2016 he completed his Ph.D. studies at the University of Art and Design Linz (Austria), researching topics such as online security, Internet cime, vigilante counter-movements and anti-fraud activism.

In his research practice he implements social engineering strategies that emerge in his research into interactive narratives, artistic installations, data visualizations and creative media competence trainings.

More about his thesis “Artistic anti-fraud activism against online advance fee fraud”.

In 2009 he received a ‘Magister Artium’ (Mag.art.) degree from the Interface Cultures Department (initiated by Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau). 2009/2010 he worked as a HCI researcher and artist for the Patchingzone in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, followed by a year of Artist in Residence programs in Europe and Asia (Seoul (Korea) and Beijing (China)). During 2012-2016 he gathered teaching experience as assistant professor and lecturer at the “Time based and Interactive Media” Department,  University of Art and Design Linz (Austria). Besides this he collaborated with the Linz based net&culture hub ‘servus.at‘ in a 1,5 year research project called ‘Behind the Smart World‘ which included organizing an ArtLab, a symposium, an exhibition as well as editing a publication.

In the last years he worked on several installations exploring a creative (mis)use of technology, issues of cyber-security and alternative ways of Human Computer Interaction. He is a Free/Libre Open Source enthusiast and uses open hard- and software whenever feasible for his teachings and artistic/design research projects.  These works have been exhibited since 2004 at international conferences and in exhibitions, among others Aksioma, esc – Medienkunstlabor Graz, Paraflows Vienna, Ars Electronica, Siggraph Los Angeles, Siggraph Asia, Japan Media Arts Festival, ISEA, Steirischer Herbst, FILE Festival, ELO conference, WRO Biennial. Since 2011 his research has been published in conference proceedings and as journal articles at ISEA, CyberWorlds, Hyperrhiz, ICIDS, xCoAx, Chaos Communication Congress (CCC), Media-N.

Recent exhibitions are documented on the KairUs blog.

List of publications.

Selected press coverage.

Research interest

‣ Interactive Narratives
‣ Cyber-security and privacy
‣ Internet of Things and Smart cities
‣ F/LOSS communities
‣ Speculative histories, nows, and futures
‣ Digital Art&Design and emerging forms of Human Computer Interaction

Presentations / Workshops

‣ Casa Cavazzini, Modern and Contemporary Art Museum Udine, Italy (2020)
‣ BEK – Bergen Centre for electronic Art, Bergen, Norway (2019)
‣ Drugo-more, Rijeka, Croatia (2018)
‣ Aksioma – Institute of contemporary Art, Ljubljana Slovenia (2018)
‣ Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart, Germany (2017)
‣ Lange Nacht der Museen, Innsbruck, Austria (2016)
‣ Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart, Germany (2016)
‣ Ecologies of Creative Activism, New Media Caucus, Washington D.C. (2016)
‣ 32C3 Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg, Germany (2015)
‣ esc – medien kunst labor, Graz, Austria (2015)
‣ Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada (2015)
‣ Digital culture research group, University of Bergen, Norway (2015)
‣ Artist talk, Forum for Komputer Kultur, Basel, Switzerland (2015)
‣ Unmake Lab, Artist presentation, Seoul, Korea (2014)
‣ Bilgi University, Visual communication program, Istanbul, Turkey (2014)
‣ Art Meets Radical Openness Festival, Linz, Austria (2014)
‣ University of Lower Silesia, Dep. Of Journalism, Wrozlaw, Poland (2012)
‣ Beijing Dance Academy, Dep. Stage Design, Beijing, China (2011)

Administrative experience & consulting

‣ Peer reviewer, xCoAx Conference (2018-20)
‣ Peer reviewer, ISEA conference (2016-2017)
‣ Jury member, exhibition curator, Art Meets Radical Openness Festival, Linz, Austria (2016)
‣ Peer reviewer, xCoAx Conference, (2015-16)
‣ Jury member Network Culture Award, Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Germany (2016)
‣ Jury member, Artist Run Data Center Residency program, servus.at, Linz, Austria (2015)
‣ Jury member, ICIDS – Art exhibition at Art+Science Center, Singapore (2014-2016)
‣ Peer reviewer, TEI – Tangible Embedded Interaction Conference (2013-2014)
‣ Student admission jury member, University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria (2012-2015)
‣ Student thesis jury member, University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria (2012-2013)
‣ Cultural administrator, Student union, University of Art and Design, Linz, Austria (2007-08)

Academic Appointments

University of Bergen (Norway)
‣ 2020: Fellesprojekt/Interdisciplinary Project MAD-1, KMD (Department of Design)
‣ 2019: Dikult203 – Electronic Literature (Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies)

Sol Int. School, Dep. Global Media Arts, Daejeon (Korea): 2017-2018
‣ 2018(Spring): Transmedia Arts
‣ 2018(Spring): UI/UX Design
‣ 2017(Winter): UI/UX Design
‣ 2017(Fall): Post Production
‣ 2017(Fall): Media-Technology-Society
‣ 2017(Summer): Group exhibition
‣ 2017(Spring): The Internet of other people’s things (누군가의 사물 인터넷)


KairUs Art+Research

Since 2010, Andreas has collaborated with the Finnish artist and researcher Linda Kronman forming the ‘Kairus Art+Research’ collective. Find more info and projects at kairus.org

Artist in Residence Programs

‣ 2024: EMAP fellowship @ M-Cult, Helsinki/Finland.
‣ 2019: BEK, Bergen/Norway.
‣ 2016: Freies Theater Innsbruck, Innsbruck/Austria.
‣ 2014: NKA Foundation, Kumasi/Ghana.
‣ 2011: Redgate Gallery, Beijing/China.
‣ 2011: National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul/Korea.
‣ 2011: Subnet, Salzburg/Austria.
‣ 2010: Timelab, Ghent/Belgium.

Forensic Fantasies at Aksioma Gallery/Slovenia, 2018 (Photo by Ana Kovač)

Linda Kronman and Andreas Zingerle in the SSD-Solution Lab (The Black money decoy), 2016

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