GFI 5341 Feijenoord
GFI 5314 Feijenoord is an urban game design that consists of 4 different playing fields in Rotterdam South area (Feijenoord/Noordeeiland, the ‘Roffa hood’). The fields consist of ordinary paving tiles that are equipped with pressure sensors and RGB LEDs so that the players can interact by stepping and dancing on the playing fields with their feet.
The scenario:
You start the game by calling a 0800-toll free number. You receive game instructions and activate the game by stepping on one of the tiles. After this activation procedure you have 2-3 minutes to play the game and challenge your skills in the games ‘reflex’, ‘stamina’, ‘focus’ and ‘groove’.
After the game ends, you get your score by txt-message and can see your highscore on a social media widget.
The games were developed from Aug to Dec 2009. The first game location was launched in Dec. 2009. A second game location was added in June 2010.
Project team:
* Christopher Baronavski (US)
* Pinar Temiz (NL/TU)
* Thomas Duc (US/FR)
* Huan-ling Chen (US/Tw)
* Andreas Zingerle (A/NL)
* Selena Savic (SB)
* Andreas Haider (A)
* Konstantin Leonenko (NL/UC)
* Anne Nigten (NL)
* Lyndsey Housden (UK/NL)
* Kristina Anderson
* Lynda Hardman
* Dineke Keemink
* Sam Nemeth (NL)
Tech support:
* Simon de Bakker
* René Wassenburg (NL)
Tech assistants:
* Xavi Amoros
* Stijn van Beek
* Tim Walther
* Jan Trüzschler von Falkenstein (D/NL)