Paper: Remain anonymous, create characters & backup stories: online tools used in Internet crime narratives
Title: Remain anonymous, create characters & backup stories: online tools used in Internet crime narratives
Author(s): Andreas Zingerle
Email: andreas.zingerle (at)
Published at: ICIDS – International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling 2014, Singapore.
This research takes a closer look at online tools that anti-scam activists use when in contact with Internet scammers. These tools are used for defining one’s online character, for progressing the narrative or maintaining anonymity while uncovering the scammer’s identity. The tools are easy to use and, when combined together, they offer powerful methods to narrate stories online. This research draws mostly upon primary sources, like interviews with scambaiters or Internet forums, where scambaiters share their stories and discuss the authenticity of dubious online businesses. The discussed methods and tools are utilized while communicating with scammers. In conclusion, this paper illustrates how these tools can also used in other genres such as digital fiction, investigative journalism and advocacy.
419scam, scambaiting, digital narratives, Internet fiction, Computer mediated communication, online communities.
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